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About this site

As you probably know, it’s a lot of work to be creative and turn ideas into real artwork. Drawing a comic/cartoon doesn’t only include the act of actually drawing it, but also to think come up with all the little details, try out different things and so on. Assuming I was a full-time cartoon artist and could dedicate myself 8 hours a day to drawing a typical comic strip consisting of 3-4 squares, it would take me around 2-3 days to finish it off. However, as you probably know, my main profession is to work at the hospital, which is why it usually takes me a couple of weeks to finish off a cartoon/comic. I’m not earning a single penny drawing these cartoons. Therefore, I would like you to consider the following: 

§1) Sharing/using my artwork:

The Troll Brain is a registered trademark under German federal law . Also, all my artwork is subject to copyright. You are welcome to share my artwork with your friends and family for private purposes, as long as you don’t make changes to the original artwork and my name and contact info remain visible. However, if you want to use my artwork in any way that is not solely private, you have to obtain my permission first. All my artwork is subject to copyright and may not be reproduced for commercial (or otherwise non-private) purposes without my permission. You can obtain my permission via e-mail or direct messages on social media. Please note that I never grant unlimited licenses to use my artwork. 

§2) Purpose of this website and medical content:

The main purpose of this website is to entertain. It’s not supposed to serve as an information platform for medical and/or mental health conditions. If you feel that you or somebody you know might suffer from a mental health condition, please seek professional help as soon as possible. This website is not intended to serve as a basis for you to self-diagnose and/or self-medicate.

Although I try to ensure that all information I publish on this website is well-researched, based on scientific facts and as accurate and up-to-date as possible, I cannot guarantee the content of this website to always be a 100% accurate. Furthermore, I would like to stress that my comics represent my personal, subjective experience and are supposed to have an entertaining, satirical character. Please note that I draw my comics from my personal perspective as a private person. The stories I write may be inspired by real life situations but are purely fictional.

In the medical world, things can change quickly, literally over night. What is a well-established fact today, could be outdated tomorrow. Therefore, please do not take this website as your primary source of information. Always consult a medical professional or seek medical help when you’re suffering from acute problems.

I do not take any responsibility for any action taken based on the information provided on this website. Although I am a medical doctor, I will not (and cannot) give you personalised medical advice or diagnose you.

§3) Have fun and enjoy browsing on this website:

I hope you enjoy my comics and my artwork. Feel free to get in touch, I am always happy to receive feedback on my artwork. Thank you very much for your understanding. Don’t forget to mentally hug your brain every now and again and thank it for the wonderful job it is doing on a daily basis!

Best wishes,